Your Account / Change your account password

Change your account password

To change your password, visit your account page at and scroll down to the password section. You can see how it looks like below:

Just enter your new password in both fields. Please note that your password needs to be at least 4 characters to be a valid password. If you have used Facebook Connect to create a new account and haven’t entered a password when you signed up, you will be able to login on Fyrebox using your Facebook email and the password you just entered (and not your Facebook password).

When you have successfully changed you password, the account page will refresh you will get the following message:

Set up a subdomain / custom domain - Deprecated

You can choose a custom subdomain for all of your quizzes

Creating subaccounts

A subaccount has its own dashboard, API key and integrations page.

Adding users and setting their permissions

With a pro team subscription, you can give access to your account to five users and choose their permissions.

Cancel a Wix subscription

As you purchased a subscription on Wix, they handle your billing, so you need to cancel it from your Wix account.

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